
The best SEO techniques

Best is relative. It depends on how old your website is, your expertise on the topic, your authority in the industry, etc..
The best SEO techniques

Best is relative. It depends on how old your website is, your expertise on the topic, your authority in the industry, etc..
So, we can’t say Best SEO techniques, but rather SEO Techniques that works (most of the time).
Let’s start with On-Page SEO.

Before you optimize your content, you must have AMAZING content. Quality over quantity works in most industries/niches.
  • Make sure your articles are lengthy, well thought out, and backed up with relevant data.
  • Break your articles into sections and the sections into subsections.
  • Make sure your titles are benefit driven
  • Sprinkle a few LSI keywords in the H2, H3, H4s…
  • Your H1 should have your main keyword, preferably at the beginning.
  • Add a nice meta-description to have improve the Click-Through-Rate.
  • Use multimedia within the article.
Here are a few sources for more on-page SEO techniques:

Now let’s move on to the best part of SEO:

Off-Page SEO (commonly known as LinkBuilding)

There are many methods to build high quality, white hat, authoritative links to your website.
However, as great as this technique is on paper, you should keep in mind that you won’t get the same results. Ahref’s Dale Cudmore explains why better. Skyscraper Technique Case Study: Why Famous SEO Strategies Won't Work For You
  • Guest Posting: Offering free, high-quality content to bloggers in your niche is always a good way to improve ranking and build relationships. Although you should not focus entirely on this technique, it is one to go every once in a while. Kissmetrics does a great job outline the process here The Ultimate Guide to Guest Blogging
  • Resource Pages: If you don’t have any content to give for free, you can ask to be added in resources pages. It is quiet common to find blogs with a big archive of links to blogs in the same niche. The links are low quality, but they are still white hat. Snappa’s guide is something you should check out. Resource Page Link Building: The Definitive Guide
  • Broken LinkBuilding: It still works, but it’s really hard. You have to skim through a lot of articles (or use a few expensive tools) to find dead links on blogs that link to your competitor and create a similar or better content. Moz know what’s up in their article “ The Broken Link Building Bible “.
  • Content Marketing: If you have an amazing piece of content, find people that may be interested in linking to it. Good and creative blogger outreach will get you a big number of high quality links to your website. Ahref’s Tim Ouslo has something to say about it: I Just Deleted Your Outreach Email Without Reading. And NO, I Don’t Feel Sorry
Now your content is great, you have great quality backlinks. Yet, there is one more thing.
Technical SEO

You must make sure your website is secure, opens fast, easily accessible and indexes well.
I hope all these techniques work for you. They should.
Good luck.

>> Also you can read: The best ways to increase traffic to a personal blog


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