
How do you write an SEO article

To identify these trending or popular searched keywords, you can visit social media platforms that your target segment market frequents to see what are the words or phrases they are using
How do you write an SEO article

Here are 4 tips to write SEO friendly articles:

  1. Use keywords
To identify these trending or popular searched keywords, you can visit social media platforms that your target segment market frequents to see what are the words or phrases they are using.
2. Keyword insertion throughout your post
Now that you have your lists of keywords, the next thing would be to write out your blog posts and ensure that these keywords appear throughout the posts. Your primary keywords should also appear in title, headings and subheadings, URL if possible, image alt text (search engines cannot read images), meta description.
HOWEVER, it is important to note that people read blog post for information. You do not want to overuse your keywords and diminish your readers’ experience at your site. This bad experience may translate into a decrease in potential customers.
3. Backlinks- Internal and External
Backlinks refers to links that direct readers from another page to your site. You can learn more about it here.
4. Long, yet readable posts
Search engines prefer longer posts. The longer your posts, the higher your chance of appearing in top search. The reason is simple. The longer your posts, the more clues the search engine have to identify what your posts is about. An ideal blog post should have around 1000 words to ensure enough keywords in order to rank high in search engines!
HOWEVER, by having long, wordy posts, you are actually telling the readers: “We have no interest in grabbing your attention. Please leave the site.” To engage them, you have to ensure your posts are readable (bullet point, short paragraphs, short sentences…).
All the best!

>> Also you can read: The best free SEO tools on the web

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